Present: William Fuller
William Robinson
Ginger Conner
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM and the 3/18/09 minutes were approved.
The DEP letter regarding the noncompliance of the Camp Lenox Sanitary Survey was noted and filed. A follow up will be made as a part of the licensure review.
DEP has approved a Tier IC Permit for the cleanup of the waste site at the Becket General Store.
Valerie Carlson of DPH has requested a “needs and capacity assessment” interview. We will cooperate.
DPH has provided information about “laser tattoo removal” with suggested actions for local Boards of Health.
A Soil Suitability Assessment at 119 Hamilton Road Map 217 lot 35 was approved.
A Title 5 Inspection at 354 Fred Snow Rd. Map 407 lot 130 was approved.
A long discussion on Camp Lenox concerning requirements for licensure was held with Police Chief William Elovirta.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted:
William S. Fuller